Stress and chronic fatigue are common complaints in today’s world. Finances, taking the kids back and forth to their activities and school, relationships, pressures at work, and family can all be sources of stress and fatigue. They all take a toll on the health of our brain. On top of this, most of us sit all day, staring at a computer at a job that many of us don’t even enjoy. Chiropractic care can help you cope in the modern day world of stress and reconnect you to your purpose. The … [Read more...]
Is Magnesium Deficiency Causing Your Muscle Cramps?
Are you being woken up at night often with muscle cramps in your legs? Or perhaps you get a sudden cramp walking and it stops you in your tracks? Magnesium deficiency is a common nutritional deficiency which can cause muscle cramps. I get a lot of questions from my patients about why they are getting random muscle cramps in their legs. It disturbs their sleep and can become an annoyance. Muscle cramping has a number of causes. Magnesium deficiency would be one of the major causes you … [Read more...]
Sleep Better Using Light Therapy
Sleep deprived? Can’t fall asleep fast? Do you wake up in the middle of the night and can’t fall back to sleep? Exposing yourself to natural light and avoiding artificial light (blue light) at the right times can help reset you circadian rhythm so you can sleep better. For the vast majority of our history as humans we were in sync with the natural rhythms of day and night without exposure to artificial or blue light. Being in sync with the natural rhythms of day and night is one of the … [Read more...]