The gut wrenching stomach pain, bloating, and constipation and/or diarrhea you are experiencing can have many underlying causes. Regardless, you have been labelled by medical doctors as having Irritable Bowel Syndrome or IBS. IBS has a diverse group of underlying causes from gluten intolerance, leaky gut syndrome, mold and heavy metal toxicity, brain dysfunction, immune dysfunction, and a disrupted gut microbiome. In this article, we will discuss what your gut microbiome is, why it’s … [Read more...]
Sleep for Peak Performance
Have you noticed when you don’t get a good quality sleep your mental and physical performance become sluggish? On the flip side, have you noticed when you get seven to nine hours of sleep you’re at peak performance? You’re sharp mentally and emotionally. Your ability to process information, problem solve, and articulate your ideas is fast, precise, and confident. You have more patience and are happier. Your motor skills seem to be better as well. You seem to type faster and make less … [Read more...]
Sleep Deprivation Can Cause Chronic Pain
Do you keep experiencing recurrent low back pain? Or perhaps your neck and shoulder pain keeps acting up? Do you have fibromyalgia? Trips to the chiropractor, physiotherapist, acupuncturist, or massage therapist provide temporary relief but the pain keeps coming back. Frustrated, tired, moody, and pain are taking their toll on you. Could sleep deprivation be one of the causes of your chronic pain? The percent of people in Canada that suffer with chronic pain is … [Read more...]