That lower back pain on your right side has come back again. It used to be you would pop some tylenol or advil and all would be good. Not anymore. Drugs don’t help you, and if anything, the low back pain you get comes back more frequently. You’re also concerned about the side effects of using pain killers long term. Not only that, but your quality of life has gone downhill. You can’t walk or run anymore because your back and knees ache. It has effected everything from your golf game, … [Read more...]
Foods that Cause Inflammation: 3 Food Toxins You Should Avoid
In today's fast-paced world, many of us overlook the powerful connection between what we eat and the way our bodies respond to it. As a chiropractor, I've seen how diet plays a pivotal role in managing inflammation – a silent menace to our health. In this post, we'll delve into three common food toxins you should steer clear of, understanding their role as foods that cause inflammation and the steps to mitigate their impact. Our healthier ancestors didn't eat foods that cause … [Read more...]