Do you get regular knee pain, hip pain, or low back pain? Your diet could be the culprit. A new study from the Oklahoma Medical Research Foundation (OMRF) found that osteoarthritis (OA) could be caused by excess sugar and starch in your diet despite your weight. (1) "We know increased body fat elevates risk, but we haven't appreciated as much how diet itself affects the disease risk," said Tim Griffin, Ph.D. "These findings give us new clues that there can be significant dietary effects … [Read more...]
Why Regular Chiropractic Check-ups are Important for You and Your Family (Part 1)
Do you worry you will end up immobile and in chronic pain like your parents or grandparents? Does your child keep getting injured or sick? Do you want your child to perform optimally in school or in their sport? Do you feel like you are hunched over and have poor posture? Do you feel your balance and strength are failing you? Do you worry about falling? These are important questions to ask yourself in regards to the present and future heath of you and your … [Read more...]
Lose Weight to Help Your Low Back Pain
That lower back pain on your right side has come back again. It used to be you would pop some tylenol or advil and all would be good. Not anymore. Drugs don’t help you, and if anything, the low back pain you get comes back more frequently. You’re also concerned about the side effects of using pain killers long term. Not only that, but your quality of life has gone downhill. You can’t walk or run anymore because your back and knees ache. It has effected everything from your golf game, … [Read more...]