In the last article, we discussed how pinched nerves in the spine are one of the main causes of weak legs. We learned that pinched nerves can slow down the nerve flow to your leg muscles. To illustrate this, we used the analogy of stepping on the water hose to stop the flow of water. So how do you ‘take your foot off the water hose’ and get better nerve flow to your leg muscles? You get your spine adjusted by a chiropractor that’s how. In this article, we will discuss how to get stronger legs with chiropractic adjustments.
The importance of your nervous system and spine for strong legs
Your brain is the command centre of your body. In other words, your brain controls everything in your body, including your leg muscles, by sending nerve signals down your spinal cord out to your body parts. As long as these nerve signals are flowing freely, your leg muscles will be strong.
When the nerve flow between your brain and leg muscles is impeded, your leg muscle will be weak. In the last article, we discussed the common problems in your spine that may be disrupting the nerve flow to your leg muscles:
- Spinal misalignments
- Disc bulge and herniation
- Bone spurs (disc degeneration and osteoarthritis)
We also said these conditions can often occur together. So let’s see how chiropractic adjustments can manage these problems to reestablish good nerve flow and get your legs stronger.
Get stronger legs with chiropractic adjustments to your low back
You can get stronger legs with chiropractic adjustments to your low back. To clarify, the nerves that come out of your spine in your lower back supply your leg muscles directly. This means spinal misalignments, disc bulges and herniations, and bone spurs can pinch these nerves directly and weaken your legs. In these cases, chiropractic adjustments often move the bones enough in your low back to take the pressure off the nerves. Consequently, your legs will be stronger.
Furthermore, spinal misalignments disrupt nerve signals TO your brain. In turn, this impairs your brain’s ability to send strong nerve signals down your spinal cord to your leg muscles.
Get stronger legs with chiropractic adjustments to your upper neck
Getting stronger legs with chiropractic adjustments to the upper neck seems far fetched. However, my many years of clinical experience have found that specific chiropractic adjustments to the upper neck strengthen the leg muscles. Again, it’s possible that any misalignment in the spine can interfere with the brain’s ability to receive and send nerve signals. However, upper neck misalignments seem to have a profound effect on the brain and the WHOLE body including the leg muscles.
If you’re struggling with your legs feeling weak, make sure your health practitioner is looking at the neck as well. Many health practitioners will get stuck by looking at the legs and low back only.
Can’t I get stronger legs just with exercise?
Regular exercise is of utmost importance for you to develop and sustain strong legs. In fact, I have written a few articles about the importance of movement and exercise for better health:
- Move and Stand at Work to Treat Your Lower Back Pain and Neck Pain
- Exercise Helps Chronic Low Back Pain
- Exercise Helps Migraines
However, your legs will never reach their maximum strength without proper nerve flow to them. Specific chiropractic adjustments to your spine will help restore nerve flow to your legs and get them stronger.
Your legs will never reach their maximum strength without proper nerve flow to them. Specific chiropractic adjustments to your spine will help restore nerve flow to your legs and get them stronger.
Weak legs caused by pinched nerves in the spine is a very common problem. Whether you are an elite athlete, recreational athlete, or enjoy doing light or heavy physical work, having strong legs is essential. If you feel like your leg or legs are weaker than they should be, book in to see a chiropractor to get your leg strength and spine assessed thoroughly. If the exam reveals your leg weakness is from the spine, specific chiropractic adjustments should get your legs stronger. Now you’ll feel like Superman!
To learn more about how chiropractic care could help you, your family or a friend read this: Chiropractic Care for Everyone
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