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Do you get recurring low back pain despite getting regular chiropractic adjustments? Do you feel your alignment or posture goes off frequently? Do your feet or knees hurt? The reason you could be having these problems is the arches in your feet could be dropping too much. In other words, you could be getting flat feet. Flat feet are best corrected with custom foot orthotics. Edmonton chiropractor, Dr. Dean Collins, provides custom foot orthotics in Edmonton. In this article, Dr. Collins answers frequently asked questions about custom foot orthotics.
Custom foot orthotics are insoles made specific for a patient to realign their feet properly. Properly aligned feet allow for good alignment and better weight bearing in the knees, hips, and spine.
People who would benefit from custom foot orthotics may have foot pain, knee pain, hip pain, low back pain, neck pain, flat feet, bunions, heel spurs, or problems with their posture. As well, foot orthotics are used for athletes and people who want to improve their performance and prevent injuries.
Custom foot orthotics in Edmonton can cost from $300 up to $800. Our Foot Levelers brand are $500 + GST.
Most health insurance companies in Alberta cover foot orthotics once a year to every two years. You would have to check your specific insurance plan to see how much they cover and for how often. As well, you will need a prescription from your medical doctor prior to ordering custom foot orthotics to ensure your claim gets accepted.
First, custom foot orthotics are made specifically for your left and right foot from a foam cast or from a digital 3D image. In contrast, orthotics you buy from a store are not made specifically for your left and right foot.
Second, custom foot orthotics are made of stronger materials than orthotics you buy at a store. So, custom orthotics will last longer and will provide you with better support and foot alignment.
Third, custom foot orthotics realign and support all three of your arches not just one arch like most of the orthotics you buy off the shelf.
And finally, custom foot orthotics cost much more than orthotics you buy at the store.
Because Foot Levelers are a semi-rigid orthotic, they are more thin than hard rigid orthotics and therefore you do not need to change shoes. However, if your shoes are old or not very supportive, Dr. Collins may recommend you get new shoes.
There are many types of foot orthotics that are made for different types of shoes. For example, if you have an athletic shoe, the foot orthotics will be more thin and the same length as your existing insole. If you want foot orthotics for a dress shoe, the orthotics will be shorter so the front of your foot isn’t cramped for room.
Dr. Collins can help you decide which orthotics would be best for your situation.
It would be ideal to get two pairs to accommodate different types of shoe wear you have. That is to say, having two pairs of orthotics allows you to wear them for longer periods of time and gives your feet and body extra support. For example, Dr. Collins has a pair of orthotics for his dress shoes at work and a pair of orthotics built into his summer sandals.
However, if you’re considering buying your first pair of foot orthotics, Dr. Collins recommends buying one pair to see if you like them first. As well, you have to determine if two pairs fit into your budget.
The Foot Levelers brand are a semi-rigid orthotic (not made of hard rigid plastic) that last approximately 2 years.
Maybe. Some people will notice discomfort in their feet during the initial break-in period of 3-6 weeks. Your discomfort should go away as your feet and body adapt to its’ new alignment.
You will know your foot orthotics are working if they relieve your symptoms or you may feel more balanced when standing or walking.
Maybe. Some yoga experts claim you can rebuild your arches through a series of rigorous exercises over a long period of time. However, most people don’t follow through with the exercises. So, that leaves us with a passive approach (custom foot orthotics) to correct unstable foot arches.
As well, many people’s arches drop as they age because they are forced to wear shoes to walk on hard surfaces either indoors or outdoors. In other words, most people are unable to exercise and strengthen their foot arches by walking barefoot on soft ground.
Foot Levelers has partnerships with well know brands where they are able to build the orthotics within the sandal. Check out their selection here.
How to order custom foot orthotics in Edmonton?
You can order custom foot orthotics in Edmonton from Dr. Dean Collins by booking an appointment either online or phoning the office at 780-482-2738.
You will need to complete the following before your appointment:
- a prescription for custom foot orthotics from your medical doctor if you plan on submitting a claim to your insurance provider.
- if you are a new patient you will be required to fill out a history form which we will send you via email
Foot, posture, and gait exam
An appointment to order custom foot orthotics takes approximately 20 minutes. During the appointment, Dr. Collins will need to examine your feet, posture, and gait (how you walk). As well, Dr. Collins will be taking a 3D image of your feet with a foot scanner. This image will act as a cast to make your orthotics.

Payment and order
After your examination and foot scan, payment will be required. Dr. Collins will then place your order.
Pick up your custom foot orthotics
It takes about a week to get your foot orthotics delivered to us. We will contact you when they arrive and you can pick them up. We will also have a package of information your insurance company will require in order for your claim to be accepted.
Custom foot orthotics help support your feet and improves your posture. And good foot support and good posture is essential when treating conditions related to the nervous system like low back pain, hip pain, knee pain, and foot pain. Well supported feet with custom foot orthotics is like having a strong foundation for your home. With a strong foundation for your feet, custom foot orthotics keep your body upright and prevent it from collapsing.
Chiropractors are specialists in helping your body have a strong foundation. Chiropractic adjustments together with custom foot orthotics will help keep your body strong and upright.
To order custom foot orthotics from Dr. Collins or book in as a new patient please text us or call us at 780-482-2738 or book online.
Learn more about how chiropractic care can benefit you and your family.
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