Do you often experience a burning sensation and pain in the centre of your stomach, radiating to your mid-back? Spending your day curled up in pain is far from ideal, and antacids don’t always provide the relief you need. You might be wondering if chiropractic care for heartburn relief could be the answer.
Understanding the Link Between Chiropractic Care and Heartburn Relief
While studies on chiropractic care and heartburn are limited, many patients report finding relief. (1) Chiropractic care is safe and may be worth exploring. The spine’s close connection to the nervous system means spinal misalignments can affect nerve function. Correcting these misalignments can improve nerve signals, potentially alleviating symptoms that mimic heartburn.
I have had many patients over the years who have had “heartburn-like” symptoms get relief quickly from chiropractic care. This happens because the spine is connected closely with the nervous system. The nervous system connects and controls every cell, tissue, and organ in the body. Spinal misalignments cause poor nerve input into the brain and poor nerve output from the brain to the body parts. This is like having a blown circuit or breaker switch. By realigning the spine (adjustments), chiropractors help restore proper brain and nerve function and turn the patient’s power back on. Their body parts start to work better.
Mid-Back Pain and Heartburn-Like Symptoms
Mid-back pain can often be mistaken for heartburn. Spinal misalignments between the shoulder blades may cause pain to travel to the chest or abdomen, leading to “heartburn-like” symptoms. Chiropractic care for heartburn relief can address these misalignments, offering immediate relief.
The Role of the Vagus Nerve in Digestive Health
Spinal misalignments at the junction of the skull and neck can negatively impact the vagus nerve. This nerve, originating from the brainstem, controls the contraction and relaxation of smooth muscles in the digestive tract. (2, 3) It also regulates stomach acid secretion and digestive enzyme release to help break down food. (4) Chiropractic care for heartburn relief may involve correcting upper neck and skull misalignments, potentially improving vagus nerve function and aiding digestion.
Chiropractic care for heartburn relief may involve correcting upper neck and skull misalignments, potentially improving vagus nerve function and aiding digestion.
Chiropractic Techniques for Hiatal Hernias and Digestive Health
Chiropractors can use specific techniques to address hiatal hernias, a common contributor to heartburn and GERD. By gently maneuvering the stomach (from the outside), they can help alleviate these conditions. Additionally, adjusting the ileocecal valve between the small and large intestines can improve digestive health, further supporting heartburn relief.
I started seeing Dr Collins a few weeks ago for some digestive issues that I was having. Specifically a hiatal hernia and GERD. After a few treatments, I’ve seen massive improvement. He really took the time to ask me questions and understand my situation. He’s very professional and I highly recommend seeing him for any chiropractic treatment.
Jason R.
The Bigger Picture: Gut Health and Heartburn
Heartburn and GERD often stem from underlying gut issues that may require further testing. While chiropractic care can optimize nerve function and provide symptom relief, addressing gut health comprehensively is crucial for long-term heartburn management. As primary healthcare practitioners, chiropractors can refer you to a doctor of naturopath, for example,for extensive gut testing.
Chiropractic care offers a safe approach to potentially improving symptoms of heartburn and GERD. By addressing spinal misalignments, enhancing nerve function, and supporting digestive health, chiropractic care for heartburn relief can be an effective component of your overall wellness strategy.
For a healthy spine and nervous system, contact Edmonton chiropractor Dr. Dean Collins. Or book a consult and exam with him today.
To learn more about how chiropractor care can help you and your family, read Dr. Collins’ comprehensive guide to chiropractic care: Chiropractic Care for Everyone.
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